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+49 156 7936 7020

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Patrick, Studio Lead / Art Director

We reflect, recommend and create the right solution – tailored to your ideas and needs.

Common Questions

What does the typical process look like after the project request?

There is a certain pattern that defines the typical process. Here is the basis of it:

• Initial processing of your request
• Discuss details, capture specific project requirements and provide a price range
• Preparation of a concrete offer (including any additional agreements)
• Placing an order / advance payment (usually 50%)
• Project start: Kickoff date / material organization / workshop or research
• The design process starts along a schedule and project milestones
• Interim presentations: Approval or possible revisions
• Project completion and final payment
• Handover of the brand identity / going live of a digital product
• If wanted, additional tasks, supervision or further projects

We organize and manage our projects using common project management tools and hold regular meetings to share progress and obtain feedback from you.

What costs and tariffs should you expect?

In general, there is no universal solution that suits everyone. Our prices reflect the complex processes we go through during a project. Our costs will be listed transparently in the offer and it will be clear what specific services will be provided.

After a free initial consultation and determining your specific requirements, we can usually give you a price range.

We offer two types of payment arrangements for our services:

• A flat fee is used for clearly defined projects where the scope of work is clear, for example the development of a brand identity.

• Payment based on workload (time & materials), which we estimate carefully at the beginning and report regularly over the course of a project, is used for digital products.

We deliver the highest quality at fair and transparent prices. You will also receive high expertise from a multidisciplinary team and a lot of passion for what we do.

How long does it take until a project can start?

Depending on the requirements and the size of the project, we are usually able to start new projects within 2-5 weeks. In the meantime, we use free space wisely to plan the scope of the project more precisely, carry out preliminary planning and prepare the necessary project environment.

As soon as all the pieces of the puzzle are in place and the optimal time has been reached, we can begin the actual project work.

If possible, please ensure that you do not wait too long to make an important request.

How long does it take until a project is implemented?

The duration of projects can vary greatly depending on the type and scope.

Branding projects need to take around 4 to 8 weeks to complete, while creating a digital product usually takes between 2 and 4 months.

After the initial design has been approved, things usually move quickly, but the total time including planning, design and implementation can easily be between 2 and 4 months.

What happens if we are not satisfied with the results?

In general: The first project briefing or the results of the brand identity workshop form an important basis for your satisfaction. We also plan clear stages and approval steps to ensure in good time that everyone involved is satisfied.

If this is not enough, we have included options for revisions in each of our plans. In addition, we can rely on our many years of professional expertise and our proven successful project history. So you can rest assured that you are in good hands.

In the very rare case that we cannot reach an agreement even through feedback loops and improvements, it is possible to end the collaboration after a project phase. This would truly be our last option because your satisfaction is our highest effort!

I'm happy to advise you

Arrange a consultation

Patrick, Studio Lead / Art Director
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